This page highlights a list of chambers of commerce in New Zealand, providing support and resources for businesses. Services include networking events, business advocacy, and economic development. List your chamber of commerce to attract businesses seeking community and support.
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- AmCham - Is the American chamber of commerce in New Zealand promoting trade and investment between US & NZ.
- Auckland Chamber of Commerce - Is a voluntary association of companies and individuals engaged in business activities in the Auckland region.
- Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce - Provides business advice, support and services to small and medium business in Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Hawkes Bay Chamber of Commerce - Encourages sustainable business growth and offers platform for business success and profitability.
- New Zealand Chambers - Non-profit membership association fostering support and promotion for profitable business growth across NZ.
- Tauranga Chamber of Commerce - An incorporated trade association that supports and promotes Tauranga businesses locally, nationally and globally.
- The Waikato Chamber of Commerce - Association whose sole aim is to support and represent the collective voice of businesses in Waikato.
- The Wellington Chamber of Commerce - Represents businesses and also provides facilitation and support for all the Wellington business community.