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New Zealand Performing Arts

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  • EXCEL School of Performing Arts - Offers a unique performance based course in music, dance, and drama.
  • Flow Academy - A performing arts academy that is syllables based and teaches the art of modern movement for kids and adults.
  • Lakes Performing Arts Company - A licensed performing arts academy that offers lessons to improve artistic creativity.
  • PACANZ - To encourage, foster and promote the practice and appreciation of the performing arts in New Zealand.
  • PANNZ - A network of performing artists that aim to support, promote and develop the performing arts industry.
  • Talent On Line - A pool of performing arts talents where almost any genre of performing artists and entertainers can be found.
  • Tapac - A rehearsal and performing arts education hub that also serve a medium for performing artists to connect.
  • The Human Agency - A talents agency that represents creative and performing artists in various categories such as film, television, stills, etc.
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